fauxtographic / dreaming in digital
I’ve set up a place for a mobile photoblog – fauxtographic – I’ll be posting random shots straight off my new phone, taken and processed and uploaded all with the power of Android (& it’s apps) and the lovely WordPress. Go have a look if you’re interested, and let me know what you think! :cheery:
Great idea! there are always these moments when you wish you had your camera with you, hope you get to take some interesting pictures ^^
Love the name as well
Oh my God, what an insanely awesome idea! I just looked through a shitload of the photos, and I gotta say, it’s times like these that make me wish I didn’t still have the same cameraless, appless, witless cellphone from 2006, LOL. 😛
That’s a fantastic idea, I have an Android phone so maybe I’ll set up an on-the-go photoblog when I have time. Yours looks amazing!
Fantastic idea. I started mine two months ago.
You’re most welcome to take a look…