I haven’t written here in ages. As usual, my lack of online activity is due to a massive increase in offline activity… All my weekends and evenings are full of super fun things, or being completely exhausted. I promise I’ll try to keep on top of things, even if it’s only for my own sake when I come to look back on this in a year or so. June was overflowing with incredible times, and I need to preserve the memories.
Had a great night out at the Wendyhouse… it’s been faaaaar too long. Catherine (left) and I reached the right level of drunk, as you may be able to tell from my blurry excitement and her happy grin. It was so good to spend time with Za, Neil, Catherine and Dan – and the day after? Well. Nothing says hello mild hangover like curling up in a Hello Kitty duvet and eating macaroni cheese.
Dan & I spent a couple of days at Alton Towers last week – little rubbish pocket doll came along, but we were far too busy being couple-y and riding the hell out of rides to pay her much attention. It was so relaxing to spend some quality time together away from code and screens and stress… :love: We had a proper look around the gardens, which we’ve never found time to do before. I really do think that there’s too much to do at Alton Towers to fit into just one day.
I’ve started going to an Aerockbics (no, that isn’t a spelling mistake) class twice a week with Catherine and some other girlies. I never knew you could count air guitar and punching imaginary things as exercise, but it turns out you can! Oh, and it hurts like crazy the next few days. Fun, challenging, and utterly addictive. We are totally hooked on the thing. :hero:
Must try harder next time! Hopefully my next update won’t be far off, and it will be full of chatter about my trip to Newcastle with work. Argh, must think about packing, I leave on Sunday! :heart:
It’s always nice to go out & have time away from the computer & work. I’m on vacation in the States & I’ve very much enjoyed my time spending time with Family & Friends because usually when I’m back home I’m either doing freelance or just sitting bored in my room on the computer all day so it’s been nice to see beautiful new places & hang out with the people that I care the most about. It made me happy to see you post I hope that all has been well on your end. <3
Thanks Sophie – you’re right, it is always good to get away from it all and spend time with the people you care about most. Kinda gives you a sense of what’s actually important in life, don’t you think? :heart: