After the surprise Whitby Gothic Weekend and all the hangover/football victory that came with it, (I’ll explain later, I’m too tired now) Dan & I went to Robin Hood’s Bay for a little while. I found some pretty rock pools. I also rediscovered my love of Poladroid.
Rock pools are magical. :heart:
Like I said on Twitter, I totally thought those were actual Polaroid photos at first, LOL. It’s so awesome what you can do with photos online now, without the need for PhotoShop … I wish they had that kinda shit when I first got into site making. It would’ve made everything so much easier for me, haha. I had nothing but Microsoft Paint and Microsoft Image Composer 1.5 and Microsoft GIF Animator! :faint:
But yes, the photos are absolutely beautiful. I love the way you can see both the reflections and the bottom of the pools at the same time … So magical. :crush:
Wow those pictures are really pretty 😀
Robin Hood’s Bay?? How cool is that 😀 :love:
Those pictures are so soothing 🙂 I love the colours!