In two weeks time, I’ll be heading down to Brighton for the fifth annual BlytheCon UK Blythe doll collectors convention. This is the third year I’ve been involved with the organisation of the event, and we’re now entering the exciting last-minute preparation stages. I’ve seen the goodie bags. I’ve seen some decor. The schedule is being finalised and will be available shortly. My dollies are already silently pleading to all attend. In short, I can’t wait!
In the meantime, I thought it might be useful to compile a few little hints and tips for those attending BlytheCon UK for the first time.
What Should I Bring?
Your Blythe dolls – Duh! Or some of your Blythe dolls. Or one of your Blythe dolls. Whatever you feel is easiest to carry and handle during the day. I personally try to stick around the 2-3 mark, any more than that just feels a bit unwieldly.
Your camera – Make sure your batteries are charged and your memory card is ready! Spare batteries might be useful. If you’re planning on using your phone to take pictures, make sure it’s charged up too.
Spending money – The sensible thing to do (I find anyway!) is to set yourself a budget ahead of time and bring what you can afford to spend. Easier said than done I know, but good intentions and all that! Make sure you have some change too, the vendors will love you for it.
Bring & Buy stuff – The BlytheCon UK bring and buy is running again this year, and is the perfect opportunity to clear out your dolly closet and do something nice for charity. There are handy downloads available on the BlytheCon UK website to help get you started.
Competition entries – Well, specifically your fashion competition entry, if you’re participating. The photography competition is running online, and there’s still time to enter. Again, check out the BlytheCon UK website for more details.
Moo cards – Or similar, if you have them. It’s useful when meeting someone new, and they’re cute. I actually always have some in my wallet!
ID and release form – Boring I know, but essential for registration.
Any More Tips For The Day?
Make sure you wear something comfortable! Though there will be seating areas and places to chill out and chat, I always like to make sure my shoes are comfortable and I’m wearing layers for easy adding/removing. Nothing worse than being too hot or too cold!
Don’t be afraid to say hi to people – whether you know them online, recognise them from online, or simply like the look of a doll they’re holding. Everyone there has a shared hobby and a common love of Blythe. Making friends with other Blythe fans is an amazing part of the BlytheCon experience. Absolutely come and say hi to me – I’ll be looking after the Bring & Buy with my husband Dan, or generally running around doing con-stuff. I’ll be the one with a purple fringe, as ever.
Seems obvious, but eat and drink something please! It’s a pretty long day, and it’s a bit exciting – possibly even overwhelming. Have a brew and a cake and all is right with the world.
While you’re there, make sure you see a bit of Brighton. The hotel is in an amazing location and it’d be a shame to miss out the fun of the Great British seaside. During BlytheCon Barcelona in 2013 a few of us snuck out of the con for a picnic on the beach! I can’t promise the weather will be good enough to do that for BCUK, but you never know!
And obviously, the last thing is have fun! BlytheCon UK is a great day out, and I am so looking forward to meeting dolly friends old and new. The hardest bit for me is going to be deciding which dolls to bring along…
Do you have any BlytheCon tips to share? Let me know in the comments!
I hope to be able to go to a Blythecon one day it sounds like so much fun!
I’ll totally put you up – and bake you scones! 😉 x
Aah I’m so excited! And a teeny bit nervous. Thank you for all the tips though, it’s going to be great 😀 Hopefully see you there
Ahh, excited is the right way to feel, don’t be nervous! Definitely do come and say hi! 🙂