Blackjack! Roulette! Poker chips! Free flowing alcohol! No, I’m not talking about Las Vegas, but I really could be couldn’t I? This time it’s all about drizzly cold Leeds instead of glittery bright Vegas, as last week I was invited to the bgo casino night at White Cloth Gallery. On arrival we were greeted with adorable pretend money and a stack of “poker chips” (drink tokens) then given time to mingle and chat with other bloggers. It was good to see Maria and Kristina again, and lovely to catch up with Kariss. On an adorable note, how gorgeous are Maria’s nails? She’d really gone all out with those bad boys, and ended up winning a prize for them!
We were given lessons in blackjack and roulette by professional dealers, before moving on to gambling with our pretend money. Now, I’m a little bit reckless when it comes to gambling. I can choose winning slot machines pretty well, but table games? Not so much. I knew that if I played roulette, my “money” would be gone instantly, most likely in one ill-timed “all on black” kind of moment. Because of this, I stuck to the blackjack tables.
I’m very pleased to say lady luck was on my side, as I started out with £50 and finished the night on £275! Oh if only it were real money… I did win a cute reusable bag though, which I think I’m going to use as a yarn/in progress crochet projects bag. Winter usually means more crochet time, and I have a few little projects on the go at the minute.
Thanks for a lovely night bgo! It was such a fun night, but it’s definitely left me aching to go back to Las Vegas. Maybe I’ll try my hand at blackjack out there? Check out the bgo blog post for more information about the event.
So good to see you! Hopefully we will bump into each other again soon!
Yes! Are you going to the Secret Santa thing in Manchester by any chance? Would be lovely to catch up some more with you! x
Great post! And thanks for the mention 😉
Did you get that photo of the 3 of us from the organisers? It’s lovely! Wish I’d have gotten that one as well. I just wrote my review last night.
Thanks lovely, yes it was from Haydn. I’ll email it to you if you like? Will head over to your blog and check out your post, it was such a lovely night 😀 x
Great post 🙂 I love that picture of us three! I might steal it and use it if you don’t mind hehe x
Thanks Kristina – I emailed it to you 😉 x