Squeeee! Check out the new Blythe doll release for February 2011, Raspberry Sorbet.
I’m rather liking her outfit. It looks versatile, and I’m in love with her pink coat. I also love her brown eye chips. I’m not really sure that I can justify getting her, what with having two girls awaiting full custom work, and a third nameless girl hanging around the Blythe family.
That said, I might look into getting my hands on her stock. The coat is just too cute for words!
Images from blythedoll.com
The same for me with her coat! It is too perfect to resist! 😀
Isn’t it just? :cheery:
That’s it, as soon as we moved into our new apartment and I can save up again I need to have at least one Blythe doll! I would also need to buy a sewing machine and learn how to make clothing and things by myself, but I wanted to start learning that anyway. I hope it’s not too hard to learn?
My boyfriend has been watching me anxiously while I was browsing your Flickr full of Blythe dolls. He thinks they’re creepy (and a waste of money.. men!)
Oh dear… ^__^ Blythe is such a fun hobby to get into. I can’t sew at all really, but crochet and knitting are fun.
Hopefully your boyfriend will come around to the idea of Blythe – I always justify any money I’m spending on them by kind of saying “Oh well, I don’t smoke, and I don’t drink too much…” 😛 I think it’s about finding a balance… it would be so easy to spend faaaaar too much money on dollies, but then again other people can easily spend heaps on handbags or other stuff.
Congrats on your new apartment! :heart:
I rreeaaly want one but their just to expensive do you know a website that sells them cheap? ;__;
Hi Mina ^__^
You can sometimes pick up good deals on eBay, or watch out for people selling them privately on forums. The official This Is Blythe forum or Blythe Kingdom are good places to start.
Good luck! :heart: