Yesterday afternoon I was tagged by the lovely Maria from Fashion Infatuation, who challenged me to answer a series of questions on beauty and blogging. I really enjoy reading getting to know you type things, so without further ado…
1. How many hours a week do you spend planning/writing/uploading posts?
Like Maria, it really varies for me, and depends on my commitments outside of blogging and the kinds of things I want to write about. I’m lucky enough to mainly work from home (one of the very few perks of being a PhD student with some teaching responsibilities) so if I find myself hitting a brick wall with my analysis or thesis writing I might take a break to write about something “fluffier” – you know, like glittery eyeshadow and tea. This means I have to be super on it with managing my time, but thankfully I’m an organisation nerd and I love lists and scheduling.
2. Are you a spender or a saver?
I like to think I’m somewhere in the middle! I don’t buy into the whole “it’s more expensive so it must be better” mindset, and that goes for everything from beauty products to clothes. Chances are if I like something, I like it on merit – not on pricetag or perceived prestige.
3. When is it easiest for you to write your posts?
Time for another varied answer – it depends on what exactly it is I’m writing about. I like to photograph in the day (whether we’re talking beauty or Blythe dolls, you can’t beat natural light) but I will sometimes draft text at night. It’s a lot like my PhD work – if it’s happening and flowing then it’s happening! You can’t force it!
4. What makes writing posts comfortable for you?
Endless cups of tea, fuzzy socks and comfy clothes. And generally my home computer set up – I play games, and have a gorgeous SteelSeries Apex keyboard. Turns out it’s fab for writing as well as gaming, and the rainbow lights make me very happy. Worth noting the picture below isn’t in the office, that was in my living room ahead of the Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns livestream.
5. What’s your worst make up/hair habit?
*whispers* Sometimes I sleep in my makeup… I HAVE CONFESSED OH BEAUTY GODS DO NOT SMITE ME! Nah, I’m getting better at this one though, and I’ll at least use a makeup remover wipe before bed. I think 95% of the time I’m totally on it? Besides, taking my makeup off properly (with my new-found love of Liz Earle) makes me feel like I really have my life together, you know?
6. What’s one quote you wish the world would live by?
Hmm… this is a difficult one. My mum always used to say (and I think it was her granddad who used to say to her) “Just remember – you’re no better than anyone else, and nobody else is any better than you”. Well, words to that effect anyway… Something about that really resonates with me. I have no time for needless stepping on people, putting people down or backstabbing or sniping – things to be mindful of in pretty much any line of work or hobby, but it’s especially noticeable for me in academia, Blythe and blogging. I won’t engage in that shit.
7. How long do you spend getting ready every day?
Haha, this depends entirely on what I’m doing! Say I’m leaving the house for teaching/meetings etc. then maybe around an hour and a half, including shower? I’ll spend longer if I’m doing something super fun.
8. What’s your favourite post on your blog?
At risk of being soppy, my Las Vegas wedding post. It’s fun to relive the day, and I love how our photos turned out. Actually, I love all the posts from our wedding adventures in Vegas – it was an amazing trip!
9. Who is a beauty blogger that you think deserves more subscribers that they have?
Hmm… not strictly beauty, because she writes about a real mix of things and it’s all pretty fabulous, I’m going to have to go with Christie at Christie’s Lifestyle. Food, beauty, fashion and more – what else do you want?
10. What’s one thing you’re excited about in the coming year?
I’m stupidly excited about attending EGX Rezzed in March. I am pretty much dying with excitement for the upcoming Guild Wars 2 expansion, Heart of Thorns. Big announcements and playable demo at Rezzed means one very happy Jess!
11. What’s been your favourite blogging moment?
I’ve really enjoyed getting out and about to some of the blogging events I’ve been invited to – it’s been all kinds of fun, and I’ve met some incredibly talented and lovely people through it. I also quite liked being quoted in the Birchbox email for the September 2014 box – it’s nice to know somebody is reading my ramblings!
12. How long does it take to prep for a post?
Hmm, I’m gonna say a couple of hours maybe? From writing a rough draft, figuring out what pictures to take and editing them, and polishing the final post.
13. Are you wearing jeans/skirt right now or are you wearing pyjama bottoms?
As I write this, I’m wearing black pinstripe leggings. So somewhere between pants and pyjama bottoms? I spend a lot of my time at home in leggings, to be fair.
14. What are you most proud of in your life?
I think probably… getting a place on the PhD programme I’m on? I didn’t expect my proposal to be accepted, and I feel really grateful for the opportunity. It’s a lot of work and a lot of stress at times, but (hopefully!) it’s going to pay off in the end, and I’m having a lot of fun doing it.
Well there you have it! I’m tagging a few people on Twitter to do this challenge, but if you fancy having a go and sharing your answers just give me a poke in the comments and I’ll check yours out. Let’s get to know each other a little better!
Well done on the phd programme! Loved this post 🙂 Rebecca xx
Aww, thanks Rebecca! xxx