Yesterday saw another lovely northern Blythe meet at Kro in Manchester. Iggy, Susie #1 and Lux accompanied me, along with my friend Catherine. We saw lots of beautiful Blythe dolls/middies/petites, ate delicious food, and even met our first Makie dolls. Verdict on Makies? Pretty cool, but I’d have to paint mine if I ever got one. I’m not 100% sure if I’m attracted to the dolls, or the novelty of the production process/technology side of Makie Lab.
Post-meet we ended up mooching around Manchester shopping (Lomo shop, fabric shop, Affleck’s, Rockers…) and I ended up doing some pre-birthday splurging. More about that in another post though – I have pre-birthday cake to eat now. :heart:
Looks like you had a groovy time 🙂 Hope to see you at the next one.
It was lovely, but you were missed! Really hope you can make it to the Leeds meet :love: