Just over a year after switching to the Genesis framework and designing Juliette, I decided that I was ready for a little freshen up. Today I am proud to present Zojja, my new WordPress theme. Still running on the fantastic Genesis framework, Zojja is a clean, simple, responsive theme that feels so much… breezier than Juliette did. Honestly, working with Genesis is an absolute delight – I could write WordPress themes for days with this framework!
If you’re even slightly curious, Zojja is named after the wonderful Guild Wars 2 Asuran elementalist of the same name. My Guild Wars 2 love knows no bounds.
In related news, I renewed glitterbat.net at the weekend – can you believe I’ve been doing miscellaneous things at this domain for eleven years now? Where does the time go? I feel like I should run some kind of competition/raffle to celebrate…
Fingers crossed all the kinks are ironed out, but if you catch something that is obviously and catastrophically broken please give me a shout! Alternatively, if nothing’s broken and you like the re-theme, let me know in the comments below – I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Clearly broken.
Can see your lovely face all over the place.
pls fix
Haha, you suck. Git good scrub, etc.
11 years wow! I’m looking at doing a huge overhall, do you pay for wordpress?
Right? Two years of hand cranking absolute guff in Notepad, and then WordPress since 2006… I definitely have memories of breaking and fixing themes in the LRC at Thomas Rotherham!
Re. paying for it? Sort of no and sort of yes. WordPress itself is technically free (as in you can download and run the software and you don’t pay WordPress for that) BUT you need a place to run it, and that’s where the cost comes in – so I pay for hosting on a server somewhere that can run WordPress and store my files and shiz.
There’s a breakdown of the difference between WordPress.com and self-hosted installs at https://en.support.wordpress.com/com-vs-org/ which might be handy if you’re thinking about moving to some flavour of WordPress. Give me a shout if you need a hand with anything, I’d be happy to help! 🙂 x
Thank you! My current headache is trying to find a way to get a new domain (I want a name change) while keeping my DA. I’ve heard there is a way but it’s a pain
11 years is a long time but It’s no wonder you’ve kept the domain name, it’s adorable! Bats rock, and so does glitter! ;D
The new theme is very nice, very clean and stylish. I can’t find anything wrong with it either. And I love that you named it after Zojja, haha!
Thanks Karin 🙂 I don’t think I could give up the domain, it’s been my username all over forever! x