1. Vivienne Westwood pearl choker 2. Godzilla! 3. Artemis Night 4. McHangover 5. Pre-NIN 6. Boux Avenue 7. OPI TK Maxx Haul 8. Good Luck 9. Primark binge
It’s almost time… It felt like it was ages away and suddenly – WHAM! Wedding inbound. Dan and I have been so busy these last couple of weeks it’s not even funny. I know we’re always busy, but fuuuuuuuuck. I mean, INSANELY busy. I only made my veil on Tuesday this week. I didn’t have underwear until the tail end of last week. Thankfully, most of the big stuff and DIY stuff is done now (postsĀ coming afterwards – we’ve done a lot of crafty stuff, but don’t want to spoiler our own wedding, haha!) and we’re down to last minute bits and pieces of admin and shopping. Not even thinking about our UK party until we come back from Las Vegas – too stressful!
We had a great couple of weekends with friends celebrating operation impending wedding… mainly Godzilla-ing, playing the Artemis spaceship bridge simulator, drinking heavily, and seeing Nine Inch Nails in Manchester. Ended up feeling very blessed and very loved. Something about friends being the family you choose?
I don’t know if I’ll get to write here again before we fly, so… I guess if I don’t, you can spy on what we’re up to in Las Vegas via my Twitter and Instagram feeds. Wi-Fi dependent of course, but there will definitely be live updates.
If anyone’s super curious, there’s actually a webcam pointing at the Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign, which is where we will be getting married. It’ll be 14:30 PST on June 12th, so 22:30 for UK sorts… If you’re the nosy or creepy type feel free to watch.
Miss Lowndes signing off, for now! :love: x
Love the VW, hope you have a fantastic wedding! Good luck for the future! Can’t wait to see the pics (if you share them of course)
Thanks Kariss! We had such a great time, and will definitely be sharing pictures once we’ve gotten over this horrible jetlaggy feeling š x