1. Corn Exchange Leeds 2. Twisted Burger Company 3. Purple fringe 4. Soap & Glory Hand Dream 5. New bag, rainbow zip 6. Floor shapes 7. Nails 8. Dan’s Cyberoptix Tie Lab ties 9. Pie & chips
Gah, last week was super busy – I felt like I barely had time to breathe! My ethics sign off happened so PhD life went a bit crazy as recruitment has now started for my focus group study… I chased off down to Milton Keynes on Thursday for more psychology related business, and I started the Fat Mum Slim photo a day challenge on Instagram (#fmsphotoaday) in a bid to keep myself sane.
BlytheCon UK stuff is getting busier, which is awesome. The vendors have been announced, and there are loads of sneaky behind the scenes plans going on which means BlytheCon Brighton is going to be one of most fabulous BlytheCon UK’s to date. I’m dead excited!
Right. Little happy Internet break is over now… back to writing that conference paper and herding participants. I’ll never have a quiet life, will I?
Follow me on Instagram at @glitterbat
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